Wraparound Care Management

Breakfast, after-school and holiday clubs, along with many others, are essential services for some families. What can your school do to manage all of its wraparound care aspects easily?
Due to the reliance of parents and guardians on wraparound childcare services, schools can ensure that their processes are smooth and stress-free, but it can be quite challenging. Parentapps Payments can help: in our system, there are many different sections dedicated to club management, reporting and much more.
Club Register
Through our intuitive Club Register tool, you will be able to organise your weekly clubs and collect school payments. You can select what days the clubs would be on, their duration, and costs. You could also limit the number of children that can sign up. The system can manage a variation of club times with different costs associated with each. Managing clubs could not be simpler!
Club Weekly Report
This reporting feature shows you an overview of all the sessions marked into the club register for any weeks you select. The report data is divided into daily figures and indicates the number of pupils who took each session available that day. The system allows for report edits by using quick and easy filtering to find the club information you require with efficacy.
Club Arrears
These reports give you the chance to chase families for any outstanding or overdue club payments. If you select any payments you wish to chase, the system will show you an auto-generated message that will be sent to parents and guardians. All you have to do is approve it or edit the message if you prefer.
Club Weekly Summary
This additional report feature gives a daily breakdown of the total number of sessions entered into a club register. It also provides the total cost of the week, as well as the amount that has been paid and written off.
Parentapps promotes inclusion for all, through the ability to manage online payments, manual payments, and subsidised payments such as pupil premium for any club or activity your school manages, using the Clubs Register. Managing these different scenarios, in the effortless way the system does, ensures that the school office team save on time. This time can eventually be spent doing other important tasks needed to assist in the smooth running of a school office.
Unlimited Payments
Parentapps Payments offers a fixed bill for its services. This means that your school can take advantage of the club reporting features unlimitedly, and no matter if 10 or 100 pupils sign up to a club, the price will be the same. A fixed fee enables your school to get the most out of the product, without worrying about going over budget.
As well as helping your school manage clubs and wraparound care, Parentapps Payments has many features to organise school meals, payments for trips, events, school items, and much more. Book a demo to find out more!